
Connecting smart buildings

Connecting sustainable buildings

Gateways for building automation and HVAC control

Under the Intesis brand, HMS offers communication solutions for buildings.

Protocol translators enable building devices to communicate on open building standards as well as proprietary protocols.

Specialized AC interfaces offer connectivity for AC units from all major AC brands to any building automation system — enabling better control and substantial energy savings for the connected AC units.

Thousands of BMS vendors, HVAC manufacturers, system integrators, and professionals in the building automation market trust Intesis products to succeed in their integration projects.

Intesis 700 Series

A new concept in HVAC integration and protocol translation

The 700 Series is the latest iteration of Protocol Translators and AC Interfaces from Intesis, based on a groundbreaking concept: applications.

Applications are combinations of protocols for the 700 Series of protocol translators and combinations of one HVAC brand and one protocol for the 700 Series Air for HVAC integration.

Using the Intesis MAPS configuration tool, it is possible to select and change the application in a process called late configuration, thus allowing the use of the same hardware for different projects.

One software to rule them all

Configure, control, and comission with Intesis MAPS

Intesis MAPS is the most advanced configuration tool for protocol integration, turning it into a streamlined process. It includes multiple features:

  • Available templates for projects and products
  • Scanning function to find devices in the field
  • Diagnostic tools to keep everything under control

These and other additional features have been implemented with a clear goal in mind: a fast and simple commissioning process for any automation project.


Intesis product categories

Intesis products are often used for:

What users say

Case studies

Air-conditioning interfaces Intesis

Energy saving in retail premises with Intesis gateways

The UK’s largest pets supplies retailer is enjoying significant energy savings across its entire retail network, while ensuring that ideal animal welfare conditions are maintained at all times.

Optimizing Eastway tunnel lighting with Intesis gateway

In London's Eastway Tunnel, HMS Networks' Intesis gateway played a crucial role in optimizing lighting and energy efficiency. Ematics, using this technology, ensured optimal light distribution and safety, integrating with the DALI network for effective control and maintenance.

Smart lighting control in grocery retail market

Inelbo, specializing in indoor installations and electrical maintenance, chose Intesis as their preferred network integration provider for energy efficiency. Intesis gateways enable efficient system management, integrating diverse equipment and protocols, and are key in Inelbo's project for a major Spanish grocery franchise.

Learn more about Intesis


Events and exhibitions

Intesis keeps a steady presence in many fairs, events, and trade shows related to the Building Automation sector worldwide. Here, you will find a list of the upcoming events with our participation.


Technical Support

Find all the support available for your products, from related documentation and upgrades to videos and eLearning, or learn how to submit a request.

News and stories

What´s happening at Intesis


Intesis AC Compatibility Tool. The straight way to find the integration solution for more than 2.500 AC models.

We have developed the Intesis compatibility tool to help you finding the right gateway for your AC integration in an easy way. This new tool provides the appropriate solution for individual wired and infrared communication that we have available.

03 Dec 2023 at 23:00
Intesis 700 Series Air Wins Prestigious KNX UK Awards Product Category
05 Nov 2023 at 23:00
The next generation of Intesis lighting Gateways: Introducing the 700 Series DALI
04 Jun 2023 at 22:00
Introducing the 700 Series Air: A Game Changer in HVAC Control
30 Nov 2021 at 23:00
700 Series, Intesis’ new concept for protocol translation

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About us

HMS create products that enable industrial equipment to communicate and share information with software and system.

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In modern production facilities, HMS manufactures industrial communication products with extreme quality demands.

Technologies we work with

5G, IIoT, Industrial Ethernet, Safety, AI, e-mobility, battery communication – HMS leads the way.